Dekamara 0.3.06 Released!

Hey everyone! Last week I got sick for real. I stayed in bed the whole day tuesday. I was already feeling a little sickly before and I should’ve taken better care of myself, anyway.

Before I got sick, I finished Witch and Guide helper, and I refactored the Helper systems code. Since the new system is coming together, I felt like it’s time to clean up the mess and organize my code.

These two new Helpers are going to help you in exploration and combat. The first one, Witch Helper, is going to allow players to shoot ranged projectiles by charging their first attack. Though I doubt this is going to make the game too easy, and since we completely forgot to make use of Squire’s shield, we decided to give Squire the ability to block projectiles.

The second one, Guide Helper, is going to aid players by allowing them to take control of herself and explore the map freely, even allowing players to go through locked gates and see what’s beyond. Even though maps are usually pretty straight forward in my opinion, it’s not the case for everyone, which is not news to me. This Helpers system allowed me to come up with creative ways to solve the issue, which is something I highly value over adding a UI element, like a map(especially considering the scale of the game and maps). Though I’m not sure if Shyseel is going to draw Guide Helper for the next update, since we planned to just add Squire, Archer, Witch and Warrior, then move on to the new girl; Catgirl for the next update. Unfortunately we are a little behind on the schedule, but I hope the next release will be ready next month. One last thing, I need your feedback about which camera movement style is better for the Guide Helper? First one tilts the camera based on the current direction, while the other one is the default camera movement. I felt like tilting the camera can be bad if the player keeps moving towards different directions, so I might give up on that. What do you think?(Guide Helper sprite is placeholder)

Shyseel here, The last two weeks have been exhausting. So sorry for no updates, I have been very busy traveling (again), being mildly sick myself along with PsychoMale, doing chores and generally struggling with a hectic schedule. Now that I’m home, I can get back to my normal working arrangement. Just having my drawing tablet on a flat surface to work on makes such a difference ;v;

I’m still working on the summons, behind on schedule. They are pretty much done, we just need a couple more animations for them and the guide before I move onto the newest character. Actually, I have been thinking about making a poll about her design before I start the animations. Hopefully you guys can help me decide what to pick ^^ Stay tuned.

0.3.06 Changelog

  • Prevented crash happening when camera is trying to show activated door/platform based on automated bug report, added new commands to track the issue better. This will skip the little scene where the camera shows the activated object instead of crashing, but it might cause unexpected issues since I don’t know what exactly is going on. If this happened to you, sharing the details can help a lot.
  • Fixed crash while enemy is chasing a target.
  • Fixed crash when remapping input to characters: ,.;'[]-=/\ other keys will most likely work even if they show a question mark. I’ll probably add a new font with support for non-english characters for menus.
  • Removed ‘crash.txt’ log file that I forgot in the previous bug fix release.


Dekamara v0.3.06 36 MB
Mar 30, 2023
Dekamara 36 MB
Mar 30, 2023

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