Dekamara v1.0 Release & the Next Project

Hello everyone, with the final release, Mint is finally here!

 Using her mighty shaker, she is going to splash whatever dangerous mix she’s preparing on your face! Or throw some slime minions if you are out of her reach, be careful!

 Her pet throws slime to disable traps around you temporarily to make your life a lot more easier. If you are having trouble with traps, just find a Mint, fuck her, impregnate her and get her pet!

Dekamara v1.0 Changelog

  • Added new character: Mint from Slime Girl Smoothies!
  • Added 3 new stages with a new environment!
  • Adjusted camera position
  • Added mobile button to activate Guide Pet
  • Game is now automatically paused when the gamepad is disconnected.
  • Tutorial texts now can show gamepad buttons if the gamepad is active. You can switch to Playstation prompts from Options->Gameplay menu.
  • Assigned gamepad keys to in game menu buttons. You can start the game by pressing A(Xbox) or Cross(PS) from the main menu.
  • Added sex SFXs to Warrior
  • Added sex zoom(you can change the zoom amount in options->gameplay)
  • Fixed Saver not getting pregnant.
  • Fixed a rare bug which caused door and trap showing sequence after activating a pressure plate not ending, locking the game.
  • Fixed Pet descriptions
  • You can now summon pets from pregnant enemies while they are unconscious.
  • You can now have sex with unconscious enemies without picking them up.
  • Adjustments to culling, fixed some objects being activated right after entering the player screen. This might affect performance on mobile devices, please let me know if it has a noticeable impact.
  • Added new teleporter object for the last stage and added visual teleportation effects to Dekamara
  • Fixed camera pointing out to activated door/platform even though it's within the camera view. This feature was added to save players time but it wasn't working as intended.
  • (Since v0.7)Mint can now spawn maximum of 5 slimes
  • Fixed save game reset prompt appearing on the back of other buttons and disabled other buttons while the prompt is active. Also removed the expansion effect from those buttons since it looked bad.
  • Fixed several issues related to enemy movement on moving platforms.
  • Fixed Saver Pet not working while being raped.
  • Fixed crash while using Guide Pet.
  • Fixed girls getting stuck on walls if the player wallslides while carrying a girl.
  • Fixed players not being able to land on moving platforms properly.

 I’ve signed a contract with ShadyCornerGames yesterday, they are going to handle the publishing of Dekamara and Goblin Escape from now on. I’m really excited about this but I’m also extremely stressed about money, I’m barely paying the artist and I’ll have to earn that money back soon. I also signed a deal as a programmer with a game developer individual but this kind of deal can be unreliable. I was working with another individual last winter and he suddenly quit the project and I had a really hard time financially. I hope this isn’t going to be the same. Otherwise I might have to flip burgers to be able to pay the rent. 

 Unfortunately I was too late to go to a publisher with Dekamara. Even with a publisher, this is going to take some time to get the wishlists and start the sales so this is going to be tough for me. I’m burning through my savings right now, hoping I’ll reverse the situation before I run out of money. Please consider supporting me on Patreon so I can focus on Goblin Escape.

Anyway, here is Kalin’s walk and run animation from Goblin Escape. I’ll release a public demo as soon as the animations for the current version are ready, but our patrons has a access to private builds.


Dekamara v1.01.apk 105 MB
Nov 14, 2024
Dekamara 91 MB
Nov 14, 2024

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I think Kalin's legs might get slightly longer during the run animation, since it looks like she is the same distance from the ground despite her legs being at an angle. I could be crazy though.