Kalyzmyr 1.0 Released!

 Hello everyone and hope you are having a great new year so far! I’m happy to announce that Kalyzmyr is finally released out of early access! 

In the full release, we made some balance changes, preventing players finishing the game before utilising their equipment and skills to their fullest.

Crystal now can be used to enter boss challenge rooms. In this room, you’ll be facing the current levels boss to prove your worth for huge amounts of materials to upgrade your equipment. Crystal is rare so you should think twice before facing a boss.

Some parts of the tutorial will be given as a background text, it is now less intrusive and even if you ignore or forget some parts, you can get back to that text and read it again. As a reminder, you can reset tutorials anytime from the options menu.  

There are also some minor bug fixes, please let me know if you encounter any bugs! Enjoy and don’t forget to check out Android when it’s released soon!

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