Upcoming changes

Hey everyone! Past two weeks I’ve been busy with Kalyzmyr, mostly its mobile port. Since it’s been stable on mobile, I’ve been playing it on my phone often and it feels like it’s much more like a mobile game than it’s PC game. That’s expected I guess, when I first started this game, I wanted to make a small fun mobile game that could be playable without greedy marketing strategies, though  Play Store has been in better shape since then.

Kalyzmyr has evolved quite a lot since the release. I’m not keeping track of every small change, since almost everything has been revised. For starters, I reduced the attack speed of every enemy and increased their damage. Then I gave defensive skills to Smyrna depending on the equipped armor, alongside their passive effects. So players can now dodge, block or riposte against incoming attacks, each has its own pros and cons.

Changed old attack system to auto attacks, players can now increase the auto attack speed by spamming keys and perfectly dodging or using skills that give attack speed.

I completely changed the third tier equipment skills. Their old skills felt dull, but I think new skills are going to make things a lot more interesting and enjoyable. Though I still need to finish technical issues in mobile port and test those skills a lot more. Third tier equipment creates a high risk/reward play style by allowing Smyrna to gain lifesteal by sacrificing her health, while also gaining bonus damage based on her missing health. While these skills specifically complement each other, you can combine different tiers of equipment as you like.

Chests now drop materials that can be used to improve equipment or their skills. While the same type of equipment are improved at the same time, skills are improved one by one to push players towards having a focus in their current build. UI has also been improved. Double clicking on equipment opens the details section and every icon has a tooltip that you can read by hovering on them.

Defense phase is also overhauled. Removed walls from the shop and added one strong wall to each defense map instead. It’ll be the only thing that’s between you and the enemies.

Players can now throw axe, hammer or javelin against incoming enemies. While throwing axe only deals damage without any cooldown, hammer stuns the enemies in AOE with high damage, javelin pierces through enemies, reducing cooldown of hammer for each enemy hit. Ballista and floor traps are left unchanged. Berserk mode still gives players an opportunity to attack as fast as they can spam the attack buttons, while increasing their auto attack speed as long as Smyrna is in berserk mode. In addition, berserk mode outside of combat now puts Smyrna in a special state, where she runs towards her next target, triggering a QTE event that can multiply her damage output by huge amounts on success.

As for the last change that comes to my mind, achievements now reward players with permanent buffs.

Even though Kalyzmyr is mostly ready on mobile, adding ads for as a f2p option might take some time so it can still come later than the PC release. There will be an option to disable ads for price and for our patrons, I’m not sure how that would work at the moment but I think I can make a redeeming code to disable ads.

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