Got stuck at this part for about 30 minutes, so it's a pretty hard puzzle. The trick to it involves dashing between wall jumps which absolutely blew my mind when I got it.
I completed level 8 the previous save as a result when I click start to go to the next stage.It showed me the waiting for more updates page, does it mean I have to replay stage 8 again?
I downloaded the demo and finished, but i had to restart, as in reset save, 2 times.
First time was, when i purified the shrine with the double doors, i headed up to the first moving platform, but i was a bit over eager and fallen down, then i was locked from any progression because the platform didn't come down and the three jump pet didn't help me reach it.
Second time was, when i reached a door button and defeated a girl on it. But as the jump to the door happened, it got stuck because i happened to pick up the girl at the same time, causing a freeze with me not able to do anything and nothing happened. I could go out, but that save needed to be reset.
I don't mind the jump to the door with putting a girl on the platform, but it is kinda unnecessary when the door opens right next to the button.
I messed up. Played the demo on android. Loved it so i just bought this full one for 4 dollars and realized there is no android version. Ill cry myself to sleep now.
Hey don't worry! First of all, you can request refund on Itch afaik. Secondly, I planned to release Android version of the full version today, it'll be ready in few hours if everything goes smoothly.
Hello, May I ask a question? i had bought the old version for 2 dollors, to get the new version, how much should I pay? 1 dollar or 3 dollars? (I don't know if the paid money can accumulate)
Sorry about the inconvenience. I asked Itch staff and apparently this was a misunderstanding on my side, it doesn't work as I thought it would so yes, you need to pay $3 for the latest version. Please contact me at or Sacrifice#0267 and I'll send you a key.
This game is very fun. The controls are simple and can be remapped. You have to reload your checkpoint to return to the last place you saved which can be annoying. At least there are several levels and they have good map design.
Things I learned while playing:
+ The more you fill up your white bar, the more damage you deal, which balances some of the difficulty with some later enemies
+ Also I learned that enemies you subdue can wake up with a heart symbol above their head, which means they are your temporary allies and will fight other enemies and other enemies can target them.
+ If you subdue an temporary ally, they will flash pink and become a permanent ally. Even if they are defeated by hostile enemies. Plus you can carry and keep subduing allies 💕
It should take you back to Gatekeeper(big lady with horns), I'll add this to bug list. Which stage does this happen, does it happen in each stage? Altar priority code might've broke it.
First stage, which prevented me from going to the next stages. I think, if you had the code go in a order of altars one after another, that it might just have been I grabbed the last one before the second to last one. Otherwise, the last one I grabbed needed a door on either side at the bottom of the map
Thanks, I'll fix this asap. It should still let you proceed to next stage though, that's weird. Are you sure you filled each altar and try interacting with Gatekeeper? FYI, first stage has two altars.
In first stage, I tried filling second altar then the first altar, no issues. Filling altars in order works without issues too. I checked the code, there shouldn't be any issues, problem might be related to something else. Can you send me your save file? Path to save file: C:\'username'\AppData\Roaming\Dekamara\save.json
I am going to be honest, when I got back onto the game later, my save was lost, so I don't know if the save system is working for me. I also don't put my game into the normal installation style, I install all my game files to the saved games folder in my user account. I just look it up and get playing
edit: The issue with the altar actually happened after the save file was lost, so It might be something else. I will give the save file at some point soon, as it is unavailable as of now
ok, I have found that I don't have the save anymore, because I had already restarted to try and fix it, but I think there is another bug you might find interesting that can be easily replicated. if you fall while carrying a girl and grab a ledge, you lock the girl to a wall. another issue is you might need to deal with is girls in important places that you need to have to hold buttons down. some of these places are set in a place that will cause them to fall onto an area that you can't complete the level because of, like a lower than or equal to ledge that is separated by a gap you are required to jump across or climb. A simple fix that I assume you have either thought about is just making it so that you can jump while carrying the specific girl you need, and if you think that might it need balancing, which while it probably won't, you can just make it so they are dropped when the player is damaged/player cannot attack while carrying that girl as my suggestions.
I'm sorry, I've dabbled in coding myself, so I like suggesting fixes that I found are easy to recreate using some of my experience learning from unity. I know this is a different engine, But I'm just suggesting to help. If it does have code segments that you can snip out and reuse, then this will work. Otherwise, adapt and overcome and find your own solution, this was just a solution to a problem I was having.
Game saves each time you activate an altar, interact with white haired witch with book, and when you finish the stage(as soon as portal starts opening), so I'm not sure why you don't have a save file. Saves don't delete automatically, you either delete manually from files, or from options menu by clicking 'Reset Save'. Ledge issue is something I've never experienced and it didn't cross my mind but it makes sense, I added to bug list. About the other issue you mentioned, I mostly use Witch to prevent players getting soft lock, but there is no need for players to jump with a girl to proceed in anywhere. If you feel like that's your only option, you are probably missing something. There are still some cases that you can get soft lock, which is why I added 'restart from checkpoint' option, for example in stage 2, if you drop the squire below the moving platform, you'll get soft locked, but it's easy to not do that. Afaik, hardest one is in stage 3, Witch puzzle on the right side of the map, it can be confusing but if you are careful, it's easy to avoid. Or if you drop the Archer on the same puzzle, it's game over.
Each character can be part of the solution so players need to be careful when they are throwing them around. Whole puzzles are designed around the fact that you can't carry characters as you want. Though this gives an idea about how to give players an assistance in the upcoming update.
We both tested the game several times from beginning to end, so I don't there is any part that's impossible to solve. I make my artists play without giving her any hints(this is literally the first platformer she played) and tweak stages based on that, but other than that, I don't know how people react to these things.
Anyway, thanks for the suggestion and feedback, I appreciate it!
getting a bug where my game completely crashes when I use the guide, on 0.141 at 4 or 5 altars left. otherwise great game! looking forward to future updates
I can't believe it! I start following this guy because of the game jams, and next thing I know: he makes a porn game. What will people think of me now?
i found a softlock, on a left side altar, there is a impossible escape, the room is very high and from the bottom (where the altar is) you can get high only to a "plant", after that it could be possible to do a walljump, dash trought the wall, avoiding the rotating spikes, jump barely enough to get higher and repeat at least 3 times (difficult)
exactly, now it looks solveable, i see you removed the spinning spikes and moved the moshroom, in case i see other softlocks, bug or something else i'll report to you.
The right part of the screen gets cut off on a 16:10 monitor. Switching to windowed mode doesn't help, the aspect ratio stays the same even inside a window.
I haven't made it far but here are my issues: ( I don't actually know what they are called so I'll just describe what I see)
HP bar and Ejac bar cannot be seen (only half of it) Save & Exit button on the settings also has the same issue (This could be a resolution problem)
This is your game, so its your rules, but here are my suggestions as a player:
-The Archer girl should have an interval (or cooldown if you will) after firing an arrow, immediately starting to attack as soon as she fires one arrow makes it extremely difficult getting close (especially when she is on another platform and you have to go up/down to get her)
-The Warrior Girl's attack animation doesn't seem to get "reset" after getting interrupted. In cases where she gets interrupted mid-attack, she just resumes the last attack animation when she attacks again. This leads to you getting suddenly rekt while doing your combo (in which enemies being able to counterattack should be impossible).
I actually like this game! (This is coming from someone who played FOBS, Succubus Affection, and Eroico)
I look forward to actually buying it when it finishes!
- Problems you mentioned about UI should only be issue on HTML version, which is removed now.
- I added cooldown to Squire(pink haired girl) attack but I forgot about Archer, and I just added it, it'll be available after I update the game today. Also I tweaked her aiming time, previously she would aim as soon as the animation starts but now she takes aim after she draws the bow.
- Not every attack staggers the enemy, that's why she can still attack while you are comboing. Try dashing out of her attack range(dash animation has iframes) or sliding(slide interrupts their animation %100). I might make combat easier in future if this becomes a problem for everyone.
Thanks for playing and your feedback, I really appreciate it!
That HTML version is extremely clunky. Got stuck due to bugs like 2 times in 5minutes. The Windows build is better but still clunky. The gameplay feels very unresponsive. It needs alot of tweaks like reducing the animation lock while attacking. Honestly, i had harder time with it than Elden Ring. Anyway interesting direction, will keep an eye on that.
← Return to Eroge
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How to pass stage 9 I can't get to the last checkpoint
I can't either get to the last altar in stage 9. I'm stuck
Got stuck at this part for about 30 minutes, so it's a pretty hard puzzle. The trick to it involves dashing between wall jumps which absolutely blew my mind when I got it.
Approaching the chick with wings crashes the game instantly on android, almost impossible to get past her. Would it be possible to fix this bug?

I just released v0.5.02 which addresses this issue, thanks for the notice.
Hay un bug, cuando toco la hada se cierra el juego
I completed level 8 the previous save as a result when I click start to go to the next stage.It showed me the waiting for more updates page, does it mean I have to replay stage 8 again?
Can you send me your save file? It's located at "C:\Users\username\appdata\roaming\Dekamara"
not sure how to do that especially considering I use the APK sorry man.
I'm just asking, is kingdom lost (nsfw) version is discontinued or it's still on work?
We are going to continue Kingdom Lost after we are done with the next Dekamara game so it might take a while.
Hello, i just beat the demo for Dekamura, if i purchase the game what will be different and im on android btw.
New girl and stages. If you are not interested in puzzle-platformer part, you can just buy the gallery version for the scenes.
Is there an official discord foe this game?
Please add Turkish language please.I love you
Language support is planned after the Steam release.
I really wish this worked with my 8bitdo 😭
Sorry about that. I wish I knew what required to make 8bitdo work like other controllers.
Do you at some point intend to translate the game into other languages? I say this because I only speak Portuguese br.
We might add several languages after Steam release but I'm not sure.
Ok. :)
I downloaded the demo and finished, but i had to restart, as in reset save, 2 times.
First time was, when i purified the shrine with the double doors, i headed up to the first moving platform, but i was a bit over eager and fallen down, then i was locked from any progression because the platform didn't come down and the three jump pet didn't help me reach it.
Second time was, when i reached a door button and defeated a girl on it. But as the jump to the door happened, it got stuck because i happened to pick up the girl at the same time, causing a freeze with me not able to do anything and nothing happened. I could go out, but that save needed to be reset.
I don't mind the jump to the door with putting a girl on the platform, but it is kinda unnecessary when the door opens right next to the button.
I see potential in this game, keep it up!
Thanks for the feedback, I'll see if I can address those issues and update the demo.
İ bought gallery version for this woman to see. But i cannot saw in gallery mode.
She doesn't have any scenes, she just teleports you to next stage, sorry.
But she hottest at all. Üzülmek 🦧
Hey yo, Could you add PC controls to Mobile? Would greatly appreciate it (I'm on a chrome-book)
Mobile version doesn't disable keyboard controls, it should work fine. I can't test it on chrome-book but I can use keyboard on mobile build.
I messed up. Played the demo on android. Loved it so i just bought this full one for 4 dollars and realized there is no android version. Ill cry myself to sleep now.
Hey don't worry! First of all, you can request refund on Itch afaik. Secondly, I planned to release Android version of the full version today, it'll be ready in few hours if everything goes smoothly.
ah you are a hero. Even if it doesn't get released I'm not stressing about a refund. Love to support a great creator. Keep up the great work.
Thanks for the kind words. Android version is up, please let me know if you encounter any issues.
I'll let you know as soon as I bump into anything. Idk if you have controller support but I will also test that
Thanks! Game has controller support, I only tested on xbox controller so I don't know if others work.
Hello, May I ask a question? i had bought the old version for 2 dollors, to get the new version, how much should I pay? 1 dollar or 3 dollars? (I don't know if the paid money can accumulate)
Hey, sorry for the late reply. You need to pay 1$, since it's not separate project you'll unlock file that costs 3$ or less.
i had paid three times, 2$, 1$, 2$, but still not allowed to download, why?
Sorry about the inconvenience. I asked Itch staff and apparently this was a misunderstanding on my side, it doesn't work as I thought it would so yes, you need to pay $3 for the latest version. Please contact me at or Sacrifice#0267 and I'll send you a key.
This game is very fun. The controls are simple and can be remapped. You have to reload your checkpoint to return to the last place you saved which can be annoying. At least there are several levels and they have good map design.
Things I learned while playing:
+ The more you fill up your white bar, the more damage you deal, which balances some of the difficulty with some later enemies
+ Also I learned that enemies you subdue can wake up with a heart symbol above their head, which means they are your temporary allies and will fight other enemies and other enemies can target them.
+ If you subdue an temporary ally, they will flash pink and become a permanent ally. Even if they are defeated by hostile enemies. Plus you can carry and keep subduing allies 💕
I have found a bug, if you are on the last altar, the game doesn't tell you where to go
It should take you back to Gatekeeper(big lady with horns), I'll add this to bug list. Which stage does this happen, does it happen in each stage? Altar priority code might've broke it.
First stage, which prevented me from going to the next stages. I think, if you had the code go in a order of altars one after another, that it might just have been I grabbed the last one before the second to last one. Otherwise, the last one I grabbed needed a door on either side at the bottom of the map
Thanks, I'll fix this asap. It should still let you proceed to next stage though, that's weird. Are you sure you filled each altar and try interacting with Gatekeeper? FYI, first stage has two altars.
In first stage, I tried filling second altar then the first altar, no issues. Filling altars in order works without issues too. I checked the code, there shouldn't be any issues, problem might be related to something else. Can you send me your save file? Path to save file: C:\'username'\AppData\Roaming\Dekamara\save.json
I am going to be honest, when I got back onto the game later, my save was lost, so I don't know if the save system is working for me. I also don't put my game into the normal installation style, I install all my game files to the saved games folder in my user account. I just look it up and get playing
edit: The issue with the altar actually happened after the save file was lost, so It might be something else. I will give the save file at some point soon, as it is unavailable as of now
ok, I have found that I don't have the save anymore, because I had already restarted to try and fix it, but I think there is another bug you might find interesting that can be easily replicated. if you fall while carrying a girl and grab a ledge, you lock the girl to a wall. another issue is you might need to deal with is girls in important places that you need to have to hold buttons down. some of these places are set in a place that will cause them to fall onto an area that you can't complete the level because of, like a lower than or equal to ledge that is separated by a gap you are required to jump across or climb. A simple fix that I assume you have either thought about is just making it so that you can jump while carrying the specific girl you need, and if you think that might it need balancing, which while it probably won't, you can just make it so they are dropped when the player is damaged/player cannot attack while carrying that girl as my suggestions.
I'm sorry, I've dabbled in coding myself, so I like suggesting fixes that I found are easy to recreate using some of my experience learning from unity. I know this is a different engine, But I'm just suggesting to help. If it does have code segments that you can snip out and reuse, then this will work. Otherwise, adapt and overcome and find your own solution, this was just a solution to a problem I was having.
Game saves each time you activate an altar, interact with white haired witch with book, and when you finish the stage(as soon as portal starts opening), so I'm not sure why you don't have a save file. Saves don't delete automatically, you either delete manually from files, or from options menu by clicking 'Reset Save'.
Ledge issue is something I've never experienced and it didn't cross my mind but it makes sense, I added to bug list. About the other issue you mentioned, I mostly use Witch to prevent players getting soft lock, but there is no need for players to jump with a girl to proceed in anywhere. If you feel like that's your only option, you are probably missing something. There are still some cases that you can get soft lock, which is why I added 'restart from checkpoint' option, for example in stage 2, if you drop the squire below the moving platform, you'll get soft locked, but it's easy to not do that. Afaik, hardest one is in stage 3, Witch puzzle on the right side of the map, it can be confusing but if you are careful, it's easy to avoid. Or if you drop the Archer on the same puzzle, it's game over.
Each character can be part of the solution so players need to be careful when they are throwing them around. Whole puzzles are designed around the fact that you can't carry characters as you want. Though this gives an idea about how to give players an assistance in the upcoming update.
We both tested the game several times from beginning to end, so I don't there is any part that's impossible to solve. I make my artists play without giving her any hints(this is literally the first platformer she played) and tweak stages based on that, but other than that, I don't know how people react to these things.
Anyway, thanks for the suggestion and feedback, I appreciate it!
I might make an android build after full release, no promises though.
coming to Android is possible?
If we get enough support, I might think about it.
Gppd game, but could definitely use more variety in scenes, enemies and some better design with the general map.
i need a map.T_T
This is not intentional, I'll fix it when I find it.
Oh shit this is good. Wow.
getting a bug where my game completely crashes when I use the guide, on 0.141 at 4 or 5 altars left. otherwise great game! looking forward to future updates
Hey, sorry about that! Unfortunately it doesn't crash for me when I try that, if you get an error message that could help me identify the issue.
Hey,I've reviewed you current build of your game
I can't believe it! I start following this guy because of the game jams, and next thing I know: he makes a porn game. What will people think of me now?
this chad isn't afraid to support who he thinks deserve it regardless of what they do.
i found a softlock, on a left side altar, there is a impossible escape, the room is very high and from the bottom (where the altar is) you can get high only to a "plant", after that it could be possible to do a walljump, dash trought the wall, avoiding the rotating spikes, jump barely enough to get higher and repeat at least 3 times (difficult)
Thanks, that will be fixed in the next update.
should i send you some screenshots?
I think I got it, I believe you are talking about this part. It might look a bit different since this is the fixed version.
exactly, now it looks solveable, i see you removed the spinning spikes and moved the moshroom, in case i see other softlocks, bug or something else i'll report to you.
The right part of the screen gets cut off on a 16:10 monitor. Switching to windowed mode doesn't help, the aspect ratio stays the same even inside a window.
Thanks for the feedback, fixed in 0.13.
The game crashes when using the guide to find the last altar
Thanks for the feedback, fixed in 0.13.
Cul gam
I can't tell, is this only for windows, android, or what?
The game is pretty hard lol
I haven't made it far but here are my issues:
( I don't actually know what they are called so I'll just describe what I see)
HP bar and Ejac bar cannot be seen (only half of it)
Save & Exit button on the settings also has the same issue
(This could be a resolution problem)
This is your game, so its your rules, but here are my suggestions as a player:
-The Archer girl should have an interval (or cooldown if you will) after firing an arrow, immediately starting to attack as soon as she fires one arrow makes it extremely difficult getting close (especially when she is on another platform and you have to go up/down to get her)
-The Warrior Girl's attack animation doesn't seem to get "reset" after getting interrupted. In cases where she gets interrupted mid-attack, she just resumes the last attack animation when she attacks again. This leads to you getting suddenly rekt while doing your combo (in which enemies being able to counterattack should be impossible).
I actually like this game! (This is coming from someone who played FOBS, Succubus Affection, and Eroico)
I look forward to actually buying it when it finishes!
Hey, thanks for your feedback!
- Problems you mentioned about UI should only be issue on HTML version, which is removed now.
- I added cooldown to Squire(pink haired girl) attack but I forgot about Archer, and I just added it, it'll be available after I update the game today. Also I tweaked her aiming time, previously she would aim as soon as the animation starts but now she takes aim after she draws the bow.
- Not every attack staggers the enemy, that's why she can still attack while you are comboing. Try dashing out of her attack range(dash animation has iframes) or sliding(slide interrupts their animation %100). I might make combat easier in future if this becomes a problem for everyone.
Thanks for playing and your feedback, I really appreciate it!
is there a way icould alter the sprites? bcause i would love tu use some of my one sprites
so, there is no version to play?
Sorry, I forgot to change the game type on Itch. You can download now.
There aren't any available versions or downloads
Sorry, I forgot to change the game type on Itch. You can download now.
That HTML version is extremely clunky. Got stuck due to bugs like 2 times in 5minutes. The Windows build is better but still clunky. The gameplay feels very unresponsive. It needs alot of tweaks like reducing the animation lock while attacking. Honestly, i had harder time with it than Elden Ring. Anyway interesting direction, will keep an eye on that.
Thanks for the feedback!
I've removed the Web version as it's basically unfixable. Yesterday it was working fine, now I just keep falling through the ground, it's a mess.
We'll continue polishing the gameplay as we further develop the game. Thanks for playing!
its good but laggy
it's just your pc bruh buy some 8 gigabyte RAM
My pc can play fortnite at 30 fps, sooo..... can I play this?
If you are having issues with HTML please try Windows build.