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I don't know if it's just me, but when you get to the second stage, nowhere in the game have I seen text telling you that you have to fall off the ground. I spent like 15 minutes climbing up and down, trying to sneak to the magician to the left, only to figure out by chance that you have to fall off the ground by pressing S + shift (if I remember correctly). Other than that, the controls are unintuitive, the game tells you how to attack before telling you how to move, the enemies one shot you, the whole level design is unbalanced. Glad I didn't pay for this, couldn't even get past Stage 2


 Text tells you to press whatever is assigned to the jump button while crouching down to drop down the platforms, not really sure how you got stuck. You are talking about the first part of second stage right?

hmmmm.....has anything update?

Cuando subiras nueva version?


Demo and full version will be updated soon, we are working on it.

Can you add a female character into the game aswell? (On Android)


If you mean as a main character, sorry but no.

can you had like a stage reset button, because i accidently knocked a girl off the edge and now i cant purify, i cant progress the game anymore or add a jump while holding the girls 

 On PC, escape menu brings "Load from last checkpoint" option. On mobile, click on 3 lines located at top-left corner of the screen to get this option.
 This is usually enough, but if you want to completely reset the stage in Demo, you can reset your save data from options menu. In full version you can restart a stage from 'Stage Select' menu.

Download tutorial???


Will there be a gallery?

(1 edit)

Yes, actually that was the next thing I was working on while waiting the assets for the next update. I plan to release it this saturday.



I'm looking forward to the next update!

This isn't going to be updated...

also this is a free demo that's why.

We update the demo as we add new content. Most recently, we added pregnancy/pet system to the demo along with the full version.

Though there is no planned updates for the full version besides new levels and a new character, and since demo has 1 level they won't make it in demo.


Man I wish the end of the demo was actually something to be worth getting to.... like seriously I worked hard getting there and there is literally nothing there it just ends you [creator] could've added a animation at the end of the demo [I am referring to a sex animation].

I need to until demo finish ahahah

The android download doesn't work I can download the apk file but I cant install it even though i have enough storage for it please try to fix it...

 I can install it on my device, what phone are you using? Does it give you an error?

I'm using a Samsung galaxy tab A

Which is a Tablet. [The error I get is "App not installed".]

Thanks for getting back, I changed build settings and updated android build, can you try again and see if it works now?

According to the web search I just made, that error it might not always related to the apk, but I hope this will solve the issue. If the issue still persists, let me know and I'll keep looking for a solution.


ayy it works now thank you for fixing it. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

Happy to hear!



Bring the Android version please


I feel like this is going to be requested a lot, so I just spend couple hours to add mobile support. If you could check it and tell me if there are any issues I'd appreciate it.


"couple hours"? Wait, that easy? I thought making a port to android from Windows games were as difficult as making the game itself! I thought every other dev going "nah." after getting asked for android ports was because of how hard it is...


 We developed 2 games on Android prior to this so we are experienced. And I always keep my code compatible with mobile devices just in case, so it was just a matter of player demand.

Otherwise it's wouldn't be possible in couple hours. Game development is complex and there are many new developers that are doing their best to just to release a game that works. I understand that it might be too much for some, I struggled a lot to release our first Android version for Kingdom Lost.