Devlog #27

 There isn’t much to report this week, because lately I’ve been feeling more and more exhausted and I felt like I needed a break. I usually find working relaxing and fun, so I think it’s mostly because we’ve moved to a new house in the previous month and there are lots of things that have changed in our lives, I guess adapting to those changes can be tiring. I also had to work extra for a game contest we participated in, which also delayed the release and put me under some stress.

 I’ve been playing around with dialogues this week, made some technical improvements to the dialogue system and organized dialogue branches. Dialogues are extremely dynamic and it makes things get complicated really fast. But with the new improvements I added, I was able to make it much more organized than before, even with new dialogues added. 

 Currently my Yarn parser supports many things to make writing dialogues and cutscenes not just easier, but also complex. Things like what is the character wearing, what is their stats or what do they have in their inventory, did the player meet the certain character, did they trigger a certain cutscene.. Also supports using custom functions(that I made) and if/else statements and dot notations, which should give lots of freedom not just to me, but anyone who wants to change scenes and/or add their custom scenes, including custom quests and bounties, which should add lots of customizability to the game, adding your own story, quests and dialogues.

 Anyway, the new update will be released as soon as I’m done with implementing new cutscenes. If I don’t make it this month, I’ll pause Patreon’s monthly payment as usual.

 Upcoming version includes two new sex animations, one for FM with one FMM support, other one is FF animation, we’ll also be using our 2 old animations for FF sex scenes, which was removed when we made some changes to story progression. 

 Also I want to add battle fuck system, but I might have to wait for combat update to do that. It mostly depends on how much effort I’ll need to add it so, if it’s going to be easy I’ll add it a temporary system before the combat update.

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